Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Different Kind of Allegiance

Jesus Revolution

by Tracy B. Dickerson

I pledge allegiance to the Flagellated One;
The One who in the Garden prayed for Unity.
Who Made the Stars and formed the Sun,
and in great Love Bore the Stripes for Me.
I pledge allegiance to The One
Who on a Gentle Donkey Rode;
I Pledge Allegiance to My Lord,
The One Who says,
“Put down your sword,
and use it now to plow the sod,
then give the harvest back to God.”
No Other Earns My Loyalty,
Save for The One Who Cried...
then Died for me.

copyright, 2010 Tracy B. Dickerson

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Missional Trinitarian Prayer for Pentecost

On this day that we Remember Our Baptism in the Spirit...
Let us Pray to the One God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
That our lives may bear witness to His Mission in the world…
In Love you sent your Word to bring us the Good News of Your Kingdom-
Through Love, you sent your Spirit to give us peace and to counsel us in the Way.
Through You, Triune God, we come to know the mystery of Your life, and
How to live in loving relationship with You and Others.
Help us to worship you…One God in three Persons…
In Spirit and In Truth…by allowing ourselves to be sent out in Love-
Proclaiming and Living our faith in you...creating, sharing, restoring,and redeeming.
Help us to Love You with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.
Help us to love all those whom You love.
Help us to love mercy, seek justice, and walk humbly with You and others.
We ask you this, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
One God, true and living, for ever and ever…
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.